

Welcome to our corner of nature (or the internet!)

We are an outdoor setting that provides sessions, groups and events to children, young people, their families and the wider community that engages them with nature.

We love to welcome people to our outdoor setting, which is ever developing to suit the needs of the groups using the site. We use youth work skills, TISuk (trauma informed schools) practice and outdoor skills to support people in spending time in nature and maintaining positive mental health. A lot of what we do is about having fun and creating a supportive environment for the people attending our site and their communities.

We are an experienced neurodiverse setting that is focused on creating a safe place to support everyone’s mental health. Bringing together all these thing in one place, letting the variety of skills and difference benefit the local environment and community we all live in!

Why not sign up for our news letter and keep informed on what we are doing and what groups are run.

Join One Of Our Groups

We have a wide range of groups available.

At the moment we have a Home Ed group, were children and young people that are home educated can come together, socialise, spend time outdoors and take part in outdoor skills, like whittling and fire lighting.

We have a toddler sessions for under 5s and their parent/carers,Little Acorns. This is a very supportive group for parents while the children enjoy time to play in nature, every week we have a different craft and refreshments.

Our  Dads group, this runs once a month and gives Dads a chance to spend quality time with their little ones while having fun and building things and practicing woodwork skills and outdoor skills.

A new group will be starting soon for people with learning disabilities and autism to come and spend time in nature, taking part in bushcraft skills, cooking on an open fire and arts and crafts.

We also will be delivering the Time2move holiday program, offering time in nature, playing and eating lunch cooked over the fire. this is free for families in receipt of free school meals.


We are always trying to find groups that will be fun so if we don’t have something for you.
Let us know!

Events & Projects

Our projects and events are all about bringing people with different skill set, backgrounds etc to have fun and spend time in nature.

We have a wide variety of events, some on set dates. Christmas wreath making and some where you can choice a date (if our diary allows) like birthday parties.

Do you work for an organisation that would benefit from a team day in nature, focused on well-being and connection, or that would like to have a corporate volunteer day?

Are you a parent that would like a unique setting to celebrate your child’s birthday?

Then head to events and book a day to remember


Help us, help you to help others

As a small community interest company we rely on help and support from people like you.

Do you have a spare few hours? Have you got a talent you would like to share with others? Do you have some left over wood or top soil?

Do you want to run workshops or a group and would like to use our space?

would you like to make a charitable donation?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions or you have questions of your own please get in touch. We will reply as soon as possible but might be in the Woods so bare with us.